
    5 Ways how content Marketing and Social Media Work Together.

    Content is the mainstay of every digital marketing effort. How do you ensure that your content is accessible to your audience once it’s completed?

    There are a variety of channels available to ensure the correct target audience sees your content. Email, SEO, social media PR, Paid ads, and videos are just a few of them.

    Social media is among the most effective ways to market your content. Based on CMI, 93 percent of marketers from B2B consider social media as among the most effective five tactics for marketing content.

    Below is the list of social media platforms that marketers use.

    Social media and content marketing are inextricably linked. Content that is of good quality will not be of any value without promotion on social media. Social media marketing can fail if there isn’t a good strategy for content.

    Social media should be part of the overall strategy of content marketing. It is crucial to ask the following questions before creating content:

    • Who do we write content for? Who is our target market?
    • What are the social networks they use?
    • What is the amount of time they devote to every platform?
    • Which are the top formats on every platform?

    Social media is a means to connect with your public. It’s the medium that is powered by quality content. That’s how you can use social media to assist your content marketing

    1. Send out a message to all the people in your world

    A great piece of content is not worth anything in the absence of reaching people. Social media is one platform that allows you to promote your content to reach the maximum number of people.

    Social media is home to greater than two billion users at present. Facebook alone has approximately 3.2 billion comments and likes each day! It’s the most effective way to reach out to the huge audience and interact with them. Sharing your content on social media can help you gain more traffic and better conversions for your site.

    1. Let the users take over the marketing

    The benefit of the social web is that users will be the ones to market content on your behalf. Users repeat the content that is pertinent and timely. A positive review of your company’s image on Facebook is noticed by other members and helps build trust in your brand.

    You can also ask influencers to share your content. Influencers are those with a large following and high participation on social networks.

    Marketing through influencers can be considered one of the most effective content marketing strategies for 2017 and is being used successfully by large companies such as Adidas and small start-ups.

    1. Receive real-time feedback

    Social media can also be an effective method to engage with your customers. Numerous companies use the Facebook platform to provide customer service and feedback and an online community of their customers.

    It facilitates two-way communications between your company and its customers. It is possible to use this platform to develop new ideas for content that your customers would love.

    It is also possible to set up polls on Facebook to determine what your audience wants to know about. This keeps your content relevant and receptive.

    1. Create a strong community

    Social media allows you to create an online community that is committed to your business. The community members are familiar with your brand and have an identical goal with your company (which is why they follow you). 

    You can create an atmosphere of community among those users by utilizing the right level of interaction. They will be your loyal group of customers who will promote your brand in the world of digital.

    1. Drive in traffic

    Re-tweets, Facebook shares, and Instagram impressions can bring you massive traffic. Social media is responsible for over 35% of all traffic and is the primary driver for web traffic.

    Be sure your blogs and posts are socially shareable. The bars and shares you share serve as bait to get people to your lead pages and website. You should follow the following best practices to make the most of the power of social media to increase traffic and converts.

    How do you help Social Media work for you?

    Follow these best practices to ensure you have a social presence that complements your Strategy for content marketing. If you do this correctly, most of the content management and delivery will be handled by your faithful followers on autopilot.

    • Choose the right platform.

    In the above paragraph, you should consider the objective of your writing and who you are writing it for. Once you have this figured out, you can decide on the platforms you need to be on. A B2B company must be present at LinkedIn and Slideshare; however, Vine isn’t as vital.

    Determine your brand’s personality and the behavior of your buyers. Different platforms can be used to show various aspects of your brand’s persona. There’s no absolute rule, however.

    • 4-1-1 Strategy

    This is a method suggested by Andrew Davis, author of Brandscaping. The Strategy indicates that of 6 items of content shared,

    Four should be considered to be interesting or popular content from other influencers

    One-piece must have your name on it and be educational

    One-piece must be related to sales

    This isn’t an absolute guideline and can be modified by your specific business. The key point is to be able to share lots of great content from other influencers. This keeps you connected and makes influencers take note of you and keep in mind you.

    • Visual Content

    Keep your content visually focused for maximum shareability through social networks. According to Kissmetrics, images have 53% more followers and 84% more clicks for hyperlinks than text-based posts.

    Utilize infographics, videos, and captivating images to make your point quickly. No one likes clicking on long text on social networks. Improve your photos to ensure they don’t look odd or cropped when posting them on social networks.

    • Add social media sharing buttons.

    Make use of Social media share buttons on your websites and blogs. You can also add tweets to your blog. Make use of plug-ins for adding tweets to your blog. The ease of sharing can make a huge difference to the number of shares you have since 51% of people access the internet via their mobiles.

    • Current topics

    Utilize tools such as Google Trends and Buzzsumo to discover what topics are discussed in social networks. Keep your content current and up-to-date.

    Industry events are sporting events, sports tournaments, or political elections to increase interest in your content. Make sure your posts are focused instead of generalized for the majority portion.

    • Pay attention to your viewers.

    Maintain a close watch on the accounts on your social networks. Be attentive to feedback, likes, and comments. What are the articles that are performing well?

    Which platform is most effective in generating engagement, and what is the reason? Take your lessons learned and constantly enhance your content marketing strategy in line with your needs.

    Social media is the platform you use to present your content. It’s an essential component of a process of marketing content and can’t be removed from it. In actuality, bringing your content to your targeted public would be difficult without using social media platforms.


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